四月初上外附中的小伙伴给远在澳大利亚维多利亚州,曾经参加过维州未来领袖青少年交流项目(Victorian Young Leaders to China Program, 以下简称“VYCL项目”)的小伙伴捎去一封问候信函。今天我们惊喜得收到了2019年春季团团长Michael Jaremczuk先生所在的Alkira Secondary College(艾克依拉中学)同学们的复信。
(2019年VYLC项目春季团在上外附中的合影,右后一为团长Michael Jaremczuk先生)
Student Reflections on their 2019 SFLS Stay – One Year On
I really enjoyed my stay at SFLS and I miss being there everyday. I really enjoyed being able to talk and hang out with all of the students and form close friendships. The things I had experienced during my stay at sfls will stay with me for a long time. I hope that everyone stays safe and healthy.
From Aurora
Thank you for having us, it was a pleasure to be in China with you guys. I am grateful for the kindness everyone showed us while we were at sfls as well as the lessons you all have taught us.
I really loved my experience at sfls especially playing volleyball, meeting the students and my buddy as well as the fun activities that was prepared. On my break I have been catching up with homework and watching the Chinese and Korean dramas some of my friends at sfls have been recommending me.
From Vini
Hey it’s Jayde from Alkira Secondary College! I hope you are all doing well, thank you for the amazing letter! The trip to SFLS last year was amazing and an unforgettable experience. I loved making new friends who I still keep in contact with and the atmosphere you guys have all over campus. Everyone there was so kind to us and it was so much fun! In Victoria we are currently on home quarantine so I haven’t been outside in a while, but everything is getting better so hopefully we’ll be allowed to go out again soon! In my spare time I’ve mostly been drawing and learning new pop dances hehe I’ve also been practising my guitar, piano and singing skills! Before school ended I played a lot of volleyball but now I can’t play because we can’t go outside so I miss volleyball A lot! I’ve been trying to keep myself entertained haha. I hope all of your families and friends are safe! I miss you guys a lot!!! Come visit us after all this has finished :D
From Jayde
Dear friends from Shanghai Foreign Language School,
Till this day I treasure the memories and friendship that we have built during our VYLC program in China. Studying abroad across another continent, interacting with diverse cultures, being exposed to the Chinese language and food has been an unforgettable experience that I cherish so dearly. You made us feel welcomed in your school. Therefore, I am utterly grateful and thankful for the opportunity that you have given me to immerse myself in the Chinese culture and encourage me to continue my study of Chinese. I appreciate the engaging activities that were taught by the SFLS teachers and the amount of support that was given to me for learning the language. If I ever get the chance to study in SFLS again, I definitely will accept the offer. I hope that each and every one of you are safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Australia, we are also trapped in our houses and using online learning as an effective way to keep up with our studies. Once this epidemic is over, I hope that we can meet again in Shanghai and make more memories together.
Trisha from VYLC
看来维州小伙伴们都好怀念上外附中,怀念他们在上海的小伙伴(The Buddy)啊!居家隔离的日子看来谁都不好过,但为了让疫情早日过去,为了大家的健康和安全,再无聊也要“闷”牢哦!上海的小伙伴就要开学了,相信你们也会很快重返校园的,一起加油吧!